domenica 23 ottobre 2016

S. Sebastian, in the tower of Sansepolcro city art gallery museum

I would be happy that Sgarbi was right about the allocation for the city 'and the museum where I work with low income but with soddisatisfetion intellectual, work I do since 2002. San Sebastiano exposed in the town hall tower in the municipal art gallery 'of Sansepolcro maybe it was another testimony of Piero, unfortunately we can only note that looking at these pictures of Piero we only inspiration and not his line and pennelate, his face that lcon eyes unnatural Especially in so 'far from the perfection of the saints and of the world made in the image Piero.The legs have something beautiful but clumsy in 'together with the posture that seems to be made with little experience and observation of reality, that eye  seems unnatural and made from a precursor of Cubism of Picasso.Let qindi his mind at rest that San Sebastian is not 'PieroAnd then 'no arrows increasing the chance' to get closer and his sex drive like a rock star sends ecstatic women, it has the function of St. Sebastian in its iconography

sabato 15 ottobre 2016

L'unica e vera produttrice di cultura gender e' la chiesa cattolica

A parte che la cultura gender non esiste, la maggior parte dei capolavori d'arte del rinascimento rientrebbero a pieno titolo nella cultura " gender "
Ad esempio la resurrezione del Rubens, notare il pacco di Cristo,
l'angelo coperto dal telo rosso che lascia vedere le forme di un bel culetto pare fosse il ritratto di Van Dik, ditemi se poco gender? E gli esempi si sprecano e tutto un contorcesi di maschi e maschiacci e travestiti, la chiesa e la prima e unica produttrice di cultura "gender"

giovedì 25 agosto 2016

Eartqueek in Italy the no never new story

Rather, public buildings and schools should be built with earthquake-resistant technologies , I already ' do not understand individuals who have not made the interventions seismic sure the state could give tax agevolazzioni and aid for those who made interventions on the ancient seismic plummeted houses , which in Italy are also well and but ' expensive liquids as usual our governments are thieves and scoundrels

because Netanyahu is stupid and G.Bush is not

why Netanyahu is stupid Serbia was small and did not have the economic strength that gave political power to the USA which was the major fi...