
giovedì 27 settembre 2018

the EU copyright law ....

the EU copyright law knows many useless things and in practice you can do without the news unless they are weather forecasts, because someone has said "so much noise for nothing", we clarify by exclusion those who would be overwhelmed, to example if one is witness to a collapse of a bridge (only to stay updated) becomes itself part of the news? and maybe and under the copiyrigth of CNN or Mediaset or even the BBC etc., because taken from a camera and then all the contents of that farmer belong to the newspaper and if now there is nobody (and History teach me how impersonal it is to depersonalize people, then remove their self-esteem and make them become a number tattooed on an arm or a bird that swoops from a hercule Lochid c130 off the Argentine coast)
returns home and decides to publish the story of what he saw could be condemned to pay a fine.
is creating a climate and breath when I'm at work that paradoxically to open the door to the understanding of Piero della Francesca I find attached and annoyed by people who attest to guardians of the lords of culture ... I know It seems ridiculous, although there are minds that they would like a certain kind of Middle Ages, I said a climate of what is suitable for intellectual parasitization, a lack of control over an intellectual person who in his own way produces and for some a tragedy.if then the intellectuals become so many and not easily controllable it is said that they are worse than the legalized cannabis one has the 'grip of conscience and an increase in the critical sense, so a fact filtered by power is analyzed and not sorbed as served and here it becomes seems to be the news and then you're a function of their presenting a fact as you need them is you can not be otherwise now they are like Fantozzi that are intertwined a many useless things and in practice you can do without the news unless they are weather forecasts, because someone has said "so much noise for nothing", we clarify by exclusion those who would be overwhelmed, to example if one is witness to a collapse of a bridge (only to stay updated) becomes itself part of the news? and maybe and under the copiyrigth of CNN or Mediaset or even the BBC etc., because taken from a camera and then all the contents of that farmer belong to the newspaper and if now there is nobody (and History teach me how impersonal it is to depersonalize people, then remove their self-esteem and make them become a number tattooed on an arm or a bird that swoops from a hercule Lochid c130 off the Argentine coast)
returns home and decides to publish the story of what he saw could be condemned to pay a fine.
is creating a climate and breath when I'm at work that paradoxically to open the door to the understanding of Piero della Francesca I find attached and annoyed by people who attest to guardians of the lords of culture ... I know It seems ridiculous, although there are minds that they would like a certain kind of Middle Ages, I said a climate of what is suitable for intellectual parasitization, a lack of control over an intellectual person who in his own way produces and for some a tragedy.if then the intellectuals become so many and not easily controllable it is said that they are worse than the legalized cannabis one has the 'grip of conscience and an increase in the critical sense, so a fact filtered by power is analyzed and not sorbed as served and here it becomes seems to be the news and then you're a function of their presenting a fact as you need them is you can not be otherwise now they are like Fantozzi that are intertwined

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