es gibt keine Notwendigkeit, nach Pompeji gehen, um den Abbau zu finden, gestern Morgen fand ich mich allein zu arbeiten, um die Hallen der Galerie in Sansepolcro mit 60 deutschen Touristen und Italiener, den anderen Tag ein Tourist hat links auf dem Buch von schriftlichen schützen Teilnahme, und stellt fest, dass das Museum war eine Schande, dass es nur ein Begleiter pro 15 Räume des Museums mit Werken von Piero della Francesca, Pontormo, und jetzt haben auch zwei Burri-Regierung hat die Zeit und damit eine reduzierte tritt bei 10 und eine weitere bei 11 dann bleibt eine nur für einen Moment zu berücksichtigen, dass wir par Mal seit 2002 und durch die Berechnung von der ersten Arbeit, die wir im Museum seit 18 Jahren für die Gemeinde sind, hat diese Regierung beschloss daher, ändern Sie die Öffnungszeiten und auch die Schaffung Unannehmlichkeiten für Touristen und schneiden unsere Stunden, so dass unsere bereits kurz 10.000 € pro Jahr reduziert und die Kassen der Lehrer Severine Kuchen und eine andere katholische Schule sind aufgrund Borghesi ehemaligen Kommissar aufgeblasen (Diplom Accounting) zu der Kultur, die die berühmte Abzweigung von Geld aus Zuwendungen der öffentlichen Hand, die die Schule, wo er als Geschäftsführer begünstigt gemacht wird, kann man sagen, dass das Museum ein Goldesel, neue Arbeitsplätze werden mit dem Geld der Europäischen Union finanziert werden ich frage mich, warum sollten wir dann immer in die bad-Nihilismus Nihilisten leid, dass Sie fallen Rivoltino im Grab zu fühlen, den Katholiken geschoben, aber nicht wissen, wie man einen Weg, dies zu tun zu definieren .... unintelligent
venerdì 24 ottobre 2014
about the management of the art gallery of Sansepolcro
there is no need to go to Pompeii, yesterday morning I found myself working alone to guard the halls of the gallery in Sansepolcro with 60 German tourists and Italians, the other day a visitor has left written on the attendance book and notes the museum, which was a shame that there was only one attendant for the 15 halls of the museum, with works by Piero della Francesca, Pontormo, and now will also have two Burri administration has reduced the time and then one enters at 10 and the other one remains at 11 then only for an hour to take into account that we are par time since 2002 and by calculating from the first work we are in the museum for 18 years for the municipality, this administration has therefore decided to change the opening hours, also creating inconvenience for tourists and cut our hours so our already short 10,000 euro per year were reduced and the coffers of the teachers severine pie and another Catholic school are inflated due to Borghesi former commissioner (diploma in accountancy) to the culture who made that famous diversion of money from government grants that favored the schools where he worked as managing director, it can be said that the museum is a cash cow, new jobs are financed by European Union money then I wonder why we should always fall into nihilism bad-I am sorry that the nihilists are Rivoltino in the tomb to feel pushed to Catholics but do not know how to define a way to do so .... unintelligent
giovedì 2 ottobre 2014
في 'القيامة' بييرو ديلا فرانشيسكا كتبها في Sansepolcro في المتحف
اليسار الموت الخصبة، هذه الرموز استحضار 'الحكومة الجيدة والسيئة' في الهواء الطلق من قبل ورنزيتي في سيينا الذي كان مثل هذا التأثير على اللوحة توسكانا . بييرو يجلس نائمة عند سفح التابوت وقضيب من العلم مع الصليب الحزب جيلف يبقيه على اتصال مباشر مع الإله، كما لو أنه سيكون مصدر إلهام للسياسي بييرو الذي انتخب في 1442 مستشار للشعب ('هرقل' Agnoletti ""الأحرف Sansepolcro''BVE0116112) وجلس في al'affresco الغرفة المجاورة. طبيعي أنه استفادة من الصورة، وربما التأمل في تلك السنوات إلى حياته السياسية. كيف maggiorente المجتمع ومع والده، الذي جلس في مجلس المدينة، كان لديه كل الحق في الحصول على مقعد. اجتمع المجلس في القاعة وراء الجص قاعة قيامة قصر بناها مالاتيستا لأنه جمع بين مجلس المدينة وقال 'مجلس المحافظة ".
بينما الجندي الرمح والدرع يشير إلى اتجاه غيض 'المدخنة الجبل "" الجبل حيث نهر التيبر (راجعت مع البوصلة)، الجندي يميل مع مرفقيك على مقربة من الزاوية اليمنى من الحجر الذي ينظر إلى اللوحة ويبدو أن تشير إلى الحجر، وتعبير عن فلسفة القرون الوسطى شولاستيس الذين تحدثوا عن الكائن العقلي المتعمد ثم غير موجودة ومضمون هذا الاتجاه.
اليوم، وبعد برتراند راسل، لا يستطيع المرء بغض النظر عن تعاليمه التي لا يمكن الهروب حرف في الانتقال من العصور الوسطى إلى عصر النهضة الذي كان بييرو ديلا فرانشيسكا. شخصية المسيح يبدو أن تعكس القوة الكاملة العقل في حوزة الموضوع عن طريق الارتفاع في تمجيد المسيح بييرو بييرو يجعله حرف في المركز الثاني على حد علمه، يمكنك نؤمن أو لا نؤمن القصص الملهم ولكن الواقع هو أن المسألة هي أن لوضعها على راسيل حول العلاقة بين العقل والمادة: "دع العقل، سواء كان الأمر يبدو أن مركب" وهذا هو الطريقة التي يتم بها العالم.
لا يعرف الا القليل من التحول وهمي من الهواء الطلق عام 1479، من خلال جدار آخر، ربما تم ترميمها وأعمال البناء الجديدة تنطوي القيامة هامشي منذ تحليل الأشعة تحت الحمراء وغيرها من التقنيات حتى الآن لا كشفت العام ادراج المسار في الجدار الذي كان ينبغي أن يكون لو كانت قد جعلت من العمل لطيفا أنه لم يكن تناوب الجدار لأنه سيغير القراءة القليل جدا الذي قام به لي.
Buttazzo كارلو مارينو
martedì 30 settembre 2014
Friday, September 19 I knew that the following Saturday there was Glen Matlock former sex pistols, and we were waiting for would be passed to the museum gallery in Sansepolcro, in the museum I saw one that looked like him, I asked him if it was the sex pistols and me answered yes, I went to get a card for me to do an autograph and he did it and he enjoyed watching my face surprised and amazed as I read the signature John Lodge of the Moody Blues, and it was just John Lodge
giovedì 21 agosto 2014
le riforme che non arrivano e Renzi tergiversa
Il non aver fatto le riforme ci sta facendo fare la figura degli imbecilli, con gran pace USA, Renzi si è dimostrato il solito burocrate destinato a conservare lo status quo che non esce dall'euro solo perché impreparato e perché vorrebbe che gli altri stati gli dessero ragione spinti dalle loro lobby e adottassero il sistema italiano che garantisce ampi privilegi e lauti guadagni a classi di potere che già conosciamo, insomma come Alessandro il grande si fece influenzare dalle corrotte abitudini dei persiani.
Non è uscendo dall'euro che risolveremo i nostri problemi perché dopo di noi uscirebbero anche altri paesi e potendo deprezzare le loro monete ci farebbero i sorci verdi, avrebbero in mano tutto il mercato del nord europa e diremo addio al mercato europeo e usa, per quello africano poi non riusciremmo a trovare comunque nuovi spazzi tanto i cinesi si sono oramai radicati
Non è uscendo dall'euro che risolveremo i nostri problemi perché dopo di noi uscirebbero anche altri paesi e potendo deprezzare le loro monete ci farebbero i sorci verdi, avrebbero in mano tutto il mercato del nord europa e diremo addio al mercato europeo e usa, per quello africano poi non riusciremmo a trovare comunque nuovi spazzi tanto i cinesi si sono oramai radicati
lunedì 11 agosto 2014
Premesso che andrebbe fatto, a bombardare l’esercito dell’ISIS ci vada chi vuole che ci sia rigore nei conti pubblici in Italia
Premesso che andrebbe fatto, a bombardare l’esercito dell’ISIS ci vada chi vuole che ci sia rigore nei conti pubblici in Italia.
Una bomba costa tanto oro quanto pesa e non ci vengano a raccontare la panzana che dopo non riforniranno le scorte della difesa perché un’altra crisi alle porte di casa non si farà attendere e quindi ci saranno altre spese.
Meglio sarebbe se quei soldi, come altri denari spesi per mega inutili opere che arricchiscono pochi, vengano spesi per lo sviluppo dell’economia e risolvere la disoccupazione.
La prova che le bombe lanciate pesano molto sui conti pubblici la dato lo spread in crescita e la borsa in caduta di questi giorni.
Adesso escono le colombe di Bruxelles che dicono che i le nostre riforme vanno bene mentre i falchi (Jyrki Katainen) che solitamente ci fustigano sui conti pubblici che andrebbero tagliati tacciono il ché dimostra che spesso e la convenienza del momento, la convenienza del barbone che vive alla giornata che muove personaggi come un certo falco finlandese che di falco ha tutto tranne la vista lunga
Una bomba costa tanto oro quanto pesa e non ci vengano a raccontare la panzana che dopo non riforniranno le scorte della difesa perché un’altra crisi alle porte di casa non si farà attendere e quindi ci saranno altre spese.
Meglio sarebbe se quei soldi, come altri denari spesi per mega inutili opere che arricchiscono pochi, vengano spesi per lo sviluppo dell’economia e risolvere la disoccupazione.
La prova che le bombe lanciate pesano molto sui conti pubblici la dato lo spread in crescita e la borsa in caduta di questi giorni.
Adesso escono le colombe di Bruxelles che dicono che i le nostre riforme vanno bene mentre i falchi (Jyrki Katainen) che solitamente ci fustigano sui conti pubblici che andrebbero tagliati tacciono il ché dimostra che spesso e la convenienza del momento, la convenienza del barbone che vive alla giornata che muove personaggi come un certo falco finlandese che di falco ha tutto tranne la vista lunga
Given that should be done, to bomb the army ISIS those who want to go there that there is rigor in the public finances in Italy.
Given that should be done, to bomb the army ISIS those who want to go there that there is rigor in the public finances in Italy.
A bomb costs its weight in gold, and there are to tell the lie that after non-will supply the stocks of defense because another crisis closer to home will not wait, and then there will be other expenses.
It would be better if that money, like other mega money spent on useless works that enrich the few, be spent for the development of the economy and solve unemployment.
The proof that the bombs dropped weigh heavily on public finances given the spread in the growth and fall of the stock market in recent days.
Now come out of Brussels that the doves say that our reforms are good while the Falcons (Jyrki Katainen) that we usually whip on public accounts that should be cut because the silent and often shows that the convenience of the moment, the convenience of homeless living the day that moves people like a hawk Finnish falcon has everything except the long view
A bomb costs its weight in gold, and there are to tell the lie that after non-will supply the stocks of defense because another crisis closer to home will not wait, and then there will be other expenses.
It would be better if that money, like other mega money spent on useless works that enrich the few, be spent for the development of the economy and solve unemployment.
The proof that the bombs dropped weigh heavily on public finances given the spread in the growth and fall of the stock market in recent days.
Now come out of Brussels that the doves say that our reforms are good while the Falcons (Jyrki Katainen) that we usually whip on public accounts that should be cut because the silent and often shows that the convenience of the moment, the convenience of homeless living the day that moves people like a hawk Finnish falcon has everything except the long view
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