
venerdì 7 marzo 2014

the Italian crisis and death of many women killed

With the increasing demand for an oil that has already peaked within the world's reserves at a cost that allows prices to $ 20 a barrel tend to disappear and prices will rise , rising prices and the scarcity of oil than the required lead in the next 5 years at a rivoluzzione technology that could send the default in the Gulf countries and Brunei , while Norway will have to come to terms with severe storms in the North Sea and the Greenland and then look to think of a re-entry into the European community since with the melting of glaciers in Greenland opening possibility extractive unthinkable before.
Returning to the Gulf countries will bring new renewable energies , if they have not already done building the return of new forms of slavery.
On the other hand, in Italy the real black sheep of Europe through the strong lobbies Catholic priests and continues its policy of struggle against the woman who is freed from the IXX century and the result is a social butchery which resulted in 140 homicides committed against women. The need for a confrontation with Islam in particular that with September 2nd and subsequent wars led people to link religion to the bloodshed and the consequent secularization nausea and brings the church to see Islam as an enemy secondary therefore the secularization of society and what sermons or maybe a priest in confession says clashes with the life of every day, and then the reaction that kills the woman who becomes a necessary sacrifice for the creation of common ground made ​​of sexist values ​​common among Islam and Catholics.
To achieve this effect is also needed an economic crisis , where presumably a cultural unease grows and people are more compliant and resigned , that's why the famous reforms never start , I'm 20 years that the only thing that will reform the salaries are and pensions without making the necessary reforms but maybe that solves the economy and this will not go well . Here's why all the labor reforms that have been made in recent years, and at the end of Berlusconi 's Catholic Tremonti catholic, catholic Mountains , Formigoni also very Catholic , and then opus dei , Communion and Liberation , etc. . etc. .

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